


Question 1: How many schedules does the ‘RTI Act, 2005’ have?
A) 8
B) 5
C) 10
D) 2
Explanation: ANSWER-D
Question 2: The Second Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 can be amended by—
A) central Government
B) State Government
C) Both
D) None of the above
Question 3: What is the fee prescribed for the first hour of inspection of records of a public authority?
A) Rs 5
B) Rs 10
C) Rs 20
D) No fee
Explanation: ANSWER-D
Question 4: Every public authority shall publish all information obligatory to Public Authorities within .................. days of enactment of RTI Act, 2005.
A) 120
B) 90
C) 60
D) 45
Explanation: ANSWER-A
Question 5: Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) has to forward first appeals to—
A) Public Information Officer (PIO)
B) The Head of the Authority
C) First Appellate Authority
D) None of the above
Explanation: ANSWER-C

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