


Question 1: Who shall designate Central Public Information Officers / Central Assistant Public Information Officers in all administrative units or offices under RTI Act ?
A) Central Government
B) Parliament
C) Head of Office
D) Public Authority
Explanation: ANSWER-D
Question 2: Which of the following statements is correct in respect of the meaning of a Competent Authority under this Act?
A) Chief Justice of India in the case of Supreme Court
B) Speaker in the case of the House of the People or Legislative Assembly
C) President or Governor in the case of authorities under the Constitution
D) All the above
Explanation: ANSWER-D
Question 3: Who constitutes a body known as State Information Commission by notification in the Official Gazette, to perform functions of RTI Act?
A) Governor
B) State Government
C) Chief Minister
D) Members of the Legislative Assembly
Explanation: ANSWER- B
Question 4: Who appoints the State Chief Information Commissioner and the State Information Commissioners?
A) Governor
B) State Government
C) Chief Minister
D) Central Government
Explanation: ANSWER-A
Question 5: Which are the following easily accessable methods adopted by a Public Authority to communicate the information to the public?
A) Newspapers
B) Media Broadcasts
C) Internet
D) All the above
Explanation: ANSWER-D

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