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Question 1:Right to information includes the right to obtaining information in the form of
A) Diskettes
B) Floppies
C) Tapes
D) All of the above
Question 2:Which section deals with Severability of the RTI Act
A) Section 10
B) Section 11
C) Section 9
D) Section 12
Question 3: How many types of 'Public Authorities' are there?
A) Central Public Authorities
B) State Public Authorities
C) Both
D) None of the above
Explanation: ANSWER-A
Question 4: The time limit specified in the RTI Act 2005 for the Central / State information Commissions to decide on complaints is
A) 10 days
B) 30 days
C) 45 days
D) No such time limit has been specified
Question 5: A Public Information Officer will be liable to be imposed a monetary penalty for
A) refusal to receive an information application
B) Not providing information within specified time limit
C) destroying information
D) All of the above

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