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‘Noting’ is the process of providing remarks on a Paper Under Consideration (PUC) or Fresh Receipt (F.R.) to facilitate the decision making authority to arrive at an accurate decision. It reduces the time and effort required at higher levels, when one is to refer voluminous material.  It also gives an indication of the reasoning process involved. A “Note” includes the precis of a PUC or FR, a statement or analysis of the questions requiring decision, reasoned suggestions on the course of action, or orders passed on the file. 

                In cases where detailed noting is not necessary, the dealing assistant will write a brief note in a line or two about the receipt. For example; in cases where a PUC is to be circulated, dealing assistant will write; 

                "PUC may be circulated to all concerned, as per draft placed below" 

                When writing notes it should be assumed that the PUC/FR and the previous notes will be read by the concerned superior Officers. The dealing assistant or higher officials therefore need only refer to para no. of the PUC/FR or the serial no. or page of previous notes, rather than reproduce them in  extenso unless it is absolutely necessary. The verbatim reproduction of extracts from or paraphrasing of the PUC, FR or any other part of correspondence or notes on the same file should not be given just to give an impression of contributing to a file. 

                All notes should be concise and to the point. Excessive noting describing lengthy facts and figures should be avoided. Lengthy notes, if necessary, should be prepared, but with proper paragraphing and in clear language.               

                If, a running summary of facts is available on the file, this should not be reproduced in one’s own note. If the last note on the file is itself a summary and if some additional point is to be made, a self contained summary should be prepared.



(1) Notes are written remarks recorded on a paper under consideration to facilitate its disposal.

(2) Keep in mind the following while preparing a note.

(i)  Concise

(ii)  Simple language

(iii)  Short sentences

(iv)  No repetition of words or ideas

(v)  No unnecessary information

(vi)  No superlatives

(vii) Correct spelling and grammar

(viii) Use comparative tables instead of paragraphs

(3) Run the check list below for the note you write

(i)  Facts

Ø Facts of case are presented

Ø Facts presented are correct

Ø Calculations are accurate


(ii) History

Ø Past history of case is presented

Ø Precedents are presented

Ø Analogous decisions are presented

Ø Conflict of proposals with precedents/ analogous decisions brought out

(iii) Acts/rules

Ø Provisions of governing law/ rules quoted

Ø No Acts violated

Ø No statutory rules violated

Ø No executive rules violated

Ø provision of Business Rules/Secretariat instructions quoted

(iv) Referencing is done to the following:

Ø Current file

Ø Previous correspondence

Ø Acts

Ø Official publications

(v) Decision

Ø Points for decision are listed and numbered


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