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                                 ODISHA RTI RULES



The 29th May 2006 S. R. O. No.251/2006 - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 27 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (Act No.22 of 2005), the State Government do hereby make the following rules, to amend the Orissa Right to Information Rules, 2005, namely:- 

1. Short title and commencement - 

(1) These rules may be called the Orissa Right to Information (Amendment) Rules, 2006.

 (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Orissa Gazette. 

2. In the Orissa Right to Information Rules, 2005 for rule 11, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- “

11. Maintenance of Register- (1) The Public Information Officer shall maintain a register in Form F for recording the details of the applications received and the information supplied by him and keep the Head of Office informed after furnishing any information and it shall be the duty of the Head of Office to ensure required assistance if any, as would be sought for by the Public Information Officer to facilitate providing information and the said Register shall remain always open to inspection by the members of public as required in respect of the proactive disclosures under Section 4 (1b) of the Act.

 (2) Each public authority shall maintain a Register for day-to-day record of the members of public who visit its office in connection with accessing or inspecting suo motto information proactively disclosed by the said authority under Section 4 of the Act. 

(3) The Public Information Officer shall maintain a cash register in Form G for recording the details of money received by him relating to providing information and deposit the money in such Head of Account or in any Scheduled Bank in the name of such officer as the concerned Head of Office decides.”

 3. In the said rules, in Form – A, (i) for the entries appearing against item 5, the following shall be substituted namely:- “(d) Whether information is required by post/in person/E-Mail (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)”; and (ii) for item 6, alongwith the entries made, thereof the following shall be substituted, namely:- “6 Address/E-mail ID to which information will be sent & in which form”. 

4. In the said rules, the existing Schedule shall be substituted by the following, namely:- 

                                                    “ Schedule

                                               (See Rules 4 and 7) 

                         Fees / Amount to be charged for providing information

                                                         PART – I 

(A) Application fee                               Rate to be  charged                       Mode of deposit 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i) Application fee seeking information             Rupees ten per Application                   Treasury Application Challan/ cash

(ii) Application fee for 1st Appeal             Rupees twenty                               Court fee stamp 

(iii) Application fee for 2nd Appeal          Rupees twenty-five                        Court fee stamp 

                                                            PART – II

(B) Amount to be charged for Providing information

(i) A4 or A3 size paper created or copied         Rupees two per each folio                By cash 

(ii) Paper size larger than A4 or A3              Actual charge or cost price of a copy    By cash

(iii) Inspection of records                    No fee for the first hour By cash                     By cash

                                                               & Rs.5.00 for each 15 minutes 

                                                            (or fraction thereof )  thereafter

(iv) CD with cover                                         Rupees 50/- per CD                                 By cash

(v) Floppy Diskette (1.44MB)                         Rupees 50/-per floppy                           By cash 

  (vi) Maps & Plans                                Reasonable cost to be By cash                          By cash 

                                                        fixed by P.I.O. depending upon the cost

                                                       of labour and material and equipment and 

                                                                     other ancillary expenses      


(vii) Video Cassette/Microfilm/Microfiche       Reasonable cost to be By cash                By cash 

                                                                  fixed by P.I.O. depending upon the cost 

                                                                 of labour and material and equipment and

                                                                                    other ancillary expenses  

(viii) Certified sample or models of material        Actual cost or price for                       By cash

                                                                             sample By cash or models

(ix) Information in printed form                          Price fixed for such publication             By cash

N.B:- Proper and authenticated money receipt to be issued for all cash payment. The office is to state the cash receipt No. on the application Form ‘A’. ”

Note – The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of Orissa vide I & P.R. Department Notification No.27163, dated the 1st October 2005 [S.R.O. No.477/2005, dated the 1st October 2005].  



The 29th May 2006 S. R. O. No.251/2006 - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 27 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 (Act No.22 of 2005), the State Government do hereby make the following rules, to amend the Orissa Right to Information Rules, 2005, namely:- 

1. Short title and commencement - 

(1) These rules may be called the Orissa Right to Information (Amendment) Rules, 2006.

 (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Orissa Gazette. 

2. In the Orissa Right to Information Rules, 2005 for rule 11, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:- “

11. Maintenance of Register- (1) The Public Information Officer shall maintain a register in Form F for recording the details of the applications received and the information supplied by him and keep the Head of Office informed after furnishing any information and it shall be the duty of the Head of Office to ensure required assistance if any, as would be sought for by the Public Information Officer to facilitate providing information and the said Register shall remain always open to inspection by the members of public as required in respect of the proactive disclosures under Section 4 (1b) of the Act.

 (2) Each public authority shall maintain a Register for day-to-day record of the members of public who visit its office in connection with accessing or inspecting suo motto information proactively disclosed by the said authority under Section 4 of the Act. 

(3) The Public Information Officer shall maintain a cash register in Form G for recording the details of money received by him relating to providing information and deposit the money in such Head of Account or in any Scheduled Bank in the name of such officer as the concerned Head of Office decides.”

 3. In the said rules, in Form – A, (i) for the entries appearing against item 5, the following shall be substituted namely:- “(d) Whether information is required by post/in person/E-Mail (The actual postal charges shall be included in providing information)”; and (ii) for item 6, alongwith the entries made, thereof the following shall be substituted, namely:- “6 Address/E-mail ID to which information will be sent & in which form”. 

4. In the said rules, the existing Schedule shall be substituted by the following, namely:- 

                                                    “ Schedule

                                               (See Rules 4 and 7) 

                         Fees / Amount to be charged for providing information

                                                         PART – I 

(A) Application fee                               Rate to be  charged                       Mode of deposit 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i) Application fee seeking information             Rupees ten per Application                   Treasury Application Challan/ cash

(ii) Application fee for 1st Appeal             Rupees twenty                               Court fee stamp 

(iii) Application fee for 2nd Appeal          Rupees twenty-five                        Court fee stamp 

                                                            PART – II

(B) Amount to be charged for Providing information

(i) A4 or A3 size paper created or copied         Rupees two per each folio                By cash 

(ii) Paper size larger than A4 or A3              Actual charge or cost price of a copy    By cash

(iii) Inspection of records                    No fee for the first hour By cash                     By cash

                                                               & Rs.5.00 for each 15 minutes 

                                                            (or fraction thereof )  thereafter

(iv) CD with cover                                         Rupees 50/- per CD                                 By cash

(v) Floppy Diskette (1.44MB)                         Rupees 50/-per floppy                           By cash 

  (vi) Maps & Plans                                Reasonable cost to be By cash                          By cash 

                                                        fixed by P.I.O. depending upon the cost

                                                       of labour and material and equipment and 

                                                                     other ancillary expenses      


(vii) Video Cassette/Microfilm/Microfiche       Reasonable cost to be By cash                By cash 

                                                                  fixed by P.I.O. depending upon the cost 

                                                                 of labour and material and equipment and

                                                                                    other ancillary expenses  

(viii) Certified sample or models of material        Actual cost or price for                       By cash

                                                                             sample By cash or models

(ix) Information in printed form                          Price fixed for such publication             By cash

N.B:- Proper and authenticated money receipt to be issued for all cash payment. The office is to state the cash receipt No. on the application Form ‘A’. ”

Note – The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of Orissa vide I & P.R. Department Notification No.27163, dated the 1st October 2005 [S.R.O. No.477/2005, dated the 1st October 2005].  

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