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Joining time means the time allowed to Government servant in which to join a new post or to proceed to the place of training or return from it to the station to which he is posted. Following are the rules of Odisha Service Code relating to joining time.


Rule-198 Provision of joining time to Government Servant

  Joining time may be granted to a Government servant to enable him-

(a    (a)    To join a new post either at the name or a new station without availing himself of any leave on relinquishing charge of his old post.

(b    (b)  To join a new post in a new station on return from-

(i)    Leave of not more than six months duration

(ii)   Leave other than that specified in Sub-clause (i) when he has not had sufficient notice of appointment to new post.

       (c ) to proceed to the place of training or return from it to the station to which he is posted.

    Provided that no joining time shall be allowed to a Government servant who on discharge due to reduction of establishment from one office is appointed to another office under the state Government after a break in service, unless-

(i)   The period of such break does not exceed thirty days, and

(ii)   he has rendered not less than three years continuous service on the date of his discharge, in which case the period of break may be treated as joining time without pay and allowances.

Provided further that nothing in the first proviso shall apply to a Government servant under orders of discharge due to reduction of establishment if the orders of appointment to the new post are received by the Government servant while in his old post.


Rule- 199 Joining time for transfer within a station.

   Not more than one day is admissible to a Government servant in order to join a new post, when the appointment to such post does not involve a transfer from one station to another. A holiday counts as a day for the purpose of this rule.


Rule-200 Joining time admissible to a Government servant is subject to a maximum of thirty days.

(1)   The joining time of a Government servant admissible under Rule 198 is subject to a maximum of thirty days. Save as otherwise provided in these rules six days are admissible for preparation and in addition, a period to cover the actual journey calculated as follows.

(a)    A Government servant is allowed-

(i)               for the portion of journey which he travels by air-craft actual time occupied in the journey.

(ii)              for the portion of the journey which would normally be performed.

                                                                    ONE DAY FOR EACH

by railway                                                        500 kilometers

by ocean steamer                                             350 kilometers

by river steamer                                               150 kilometers

by motor vehicle                                              160 kilometers

by horse drawn conveyance                                50 kilometers

by any other way                                                 25 kilometers

(b)   (i) for the purpose of journey by air under Sub-clause (i) of clause (a) a part of a day should be treated as one day;

             (ii ) for any fractional portion of any distance prescribed  to Sub-clause(ii) of Clause(a), an extra day is allowed.

       (c ) when part of the journey is by steamer, the limit of six days allowed for preparation may be extended to cover any period unavoidable spent in awaiting the departure of the steamer.

       (d ) travel by road not exceeding eight kilometers to or from a railway station, or bus terminus or steamer ghat, at the beginning or end of a journey does not count for joining time;

       (e ) a Sunday does not count as a day for the purpose of the calculation in this rule, but Sundays are included in the maximum period of thirty days.

(2)   When the period of training does not exceed three months, the Government servant may be allowed as joining time the minimum period required for transit including Sundays and holidays

Exception- The authority sanctioning the transfer, may, in exceptional circumstances, reduce the period of joining time admissible under this rule.



Rule 202

      Joining time shall be calculated in the route which travelers ordinarily use.

      By whatever route a Government servant actually travels his joining time shall, unless the State Government for special reasons otherwise direct be calculated on the route which travelers ordinarily use.  


Rule 203

Joining time calculation

    If a Government Servant is authorised to make over or to take over charge of a post elsewhere than at its headquarters, his joining time shall be calculated from or to the place at which he makes over or takes over charge.


Rule 204

Government servant if receives fresh appointment while in transit.

  If a Government Servant is appointed to anew post while in transit from one post to another, his joining time begins on the day following that on which he receives the fresh order of appointment; but no second period of six days for preparation is admissible in such a case.


  Rule 205

Availing leave while in transit


If a Government servant takes leave while in transit from one post to another, the period which has elapsed since he handed over charge of his old post must be included in his leave. On the expiry of the leave, the Government servant may be allowed normal joining time.


Rule 206

   Joining time in case the Government servant is on leave of not more than six month and appointed to a new post.

   If a Government servant is appointed to a new post while on leave of not more than six months duration, his joining time will be calculated from his old station or from the place at which he receives the order of appointment whichever calculation will entitle him to the less joining time.




Rule 208

  Joining time-extension

  In the circumstances mentioned below the State Government may, on such conditions as it thinks fit, extend the joining time admissible to any Government servant under these rules: provided that the prescribed maximum of 30 days shall  not be exceeded, except for very special reasons, which should be recorded.

(a)    When   the Government servant has been unable to use the ordinary mode of travelling or notwithstanding due diligence on his pard, has spent more time on the journey than is allowed by the rules; or

(a.a) When he has been unable to take over charge of the post after reporting himself at the place of posting due to circumstances beyond his control: or

(b) When such extension is considered necessary for the public convenience or for the saving of such public expenditure as is caused by unnecessary or purely formal transfers;

(c ) When the rules in any particular case operated harshly; as for example, when a Government servant has though on fault on his part missed a steamer or fallen sick on the journey.


Rule 209

 Joining time as on duty

 A Government Servant on joining time shall be regarded as on duty and shall be entitled to be paid as follows:

(a)    Where joining time is granted under clause(a) or rule 198 subject to the provisions of clauses (b) and (c) of rule 56, the pay which he would have drawn if he had continued in the old post or the pay which he will draw on takin charge of the new post, whichever is less;

(b)   Where joining time is granted under clause(b) of rule 198, the pay equal to the leave salary which he would have drawn under the leave rules applicable to him as if he had been on leave on average pau or on earned leave for the period of joining time.

(c)    Where the joining time is granted under Clause (c ) of Rule 198, the pay which is drawn by him prior to joining the place of training or which will be drawn by him on return to the station to which he is posted after training of the pay drawn by him while on training whichever is less; and

(d)   Compensatory allowance as provided in the rules in Section l of Chapter V of this code:

       Provided that a Government servant on transfer shall not be entitled to any pay allowances for the period of joining time unless his transfer is in the interest of public service.

       Provided further that in the case of a Government servant referred to in the Second proviso to Rule 198, the grant of pay and allowances for the period of joining time shall be further subject to the condition that the previous service rendered by him is one of the considerations justifying his appointment to the new post.


Rule 210

No leave salary or pay after the end of the joining time

A Government servant who does not join his post within his joining time is entitled to no pay or leave salary after the end of the joining time. Willful absence from duty after the expiry of joining time may be treated as misconduct for the purpose of Rule 54.


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