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    CHAPTER-1   Food: Where Does it Come From?

    CHAPTER2   Components of Food   

    CHAPTER3    Fibre to Fabric    

   CHAPTER4    Sorting Materials Into Groups  

   CHAPTER5   Separation of Substances 

   CHAPTER6   Changes Around Us  

   CHAPTER7    Getting to Know Plants 

   CHAPTER8     Body Movements    

   CHAPTER9   The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings      

   CHAPTER10   Motion and Measurement of Distances       

   CHAPTER11   Light Shadows and Reflection    

   CHAPTER12   Electricity and Circuits     

   CHAPTER13    Fun with Magnets  

   CHAPTER14    Water

   CHAPTER15     Air Around Us

    CHAPTER16   Garbage In Garbage Out


    CHAPTER-1   What, Where, How and When?

    CHAPTER2   On The Trial of the Earliest People  

    CHAPTER3    From Gathering to Growing Food

   CHAPTER4    In the Earliests Cities 

   CHAPTER5  What Books and Burials Tell Us

   CHAPTER6   Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

   CHAPTER7    New Questions and Ideas

   CHAPTER8     Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War 

   CHAPTER9   Vital Villages, Thriving Towns 

   CHAPTER10   Traders, Kings and Pilgrims      

   CHAPTER11   New Empires and Kingdoms

   CHAPTER12   Buildings, Paintings, and Books


    CHAPTER-1   The Earth in the Solar System

    CHAPTER2   Globe Latitudes and Longitudes

    CHAPTER3    Motions of the Earth

   CHAPTER4    Maps 

   CHAPTER5   Major Domains of the Earth

   CHAPTER6   Major Landforms of the Earth 

   CHAPTER7    Our Country India

   CHAPTER8     India Climate Vegetation and Wildlife


   CHAPTER-1   Understanding Diversity 

    CHAPTER2   Diversity and Discrimination 

    CHAPTER3    What is Government

   CHAPTER4   Key Elements of a Democratic Government

   CHAPTER5   Panchayati Raj

   CHAPTER6   Rural Administration

   CHAPTER7    Urban Administration

   CHAPTER8     Rural Livelihoods

   CHAPTER9   Urban Livelihoods

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